I designed this kit : "
Me And My Dad" with Fathersday in mind, but it is suitable for all kind of photo's. Warm colors and curly ribbons will make you use this kit again and again
When I think of my grandparents house, one of the things I remember is the wallpaper with the little roses. With that paper in mind I started to create this
kit. I added worn papers and cardboard, but also papers with a more modern touch. With the colors I used you can scrap any kind of pictures, whether they were made yesterday or 50 years ago

When I think of summer, I think of swimming, the beach, fun in the pool. For all your summer, swim and beach pictures...here is the kit: "
Sea, Pool Or Pond" to scrap them. The kit can be used perfectly together with "
along the shoreline"

the layout below was made with a background from Sea Pool Or Pond amd the elements came from Along The Shoreline

And what about this little Mermaid. Ready to be the next James Bond girl ?!?!
The background is included in the kit : Sea Pool Or Pond

Curious??? You can see more news ans additions in my store
Thanks for looking.
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