This kit is FREE. Well at least for now it is free. And I have a reason for that. I would like to invite you to a little challenge. Not a challenge that will return every month, but just for now. If you enter this little contest you can win a $ 15. coupon to my store. What do I want you to do:
- Download this free kit.
- purchase my kit Flower Power ( it is 30% off now)
- use elements and papers from the free set as well as the purchased kit in one layout.
- post this layout in the digitals gallery
- Send me a private message at Digitals with a link to your page.
- Be as creative as you can. I would love to see shadows, depth, extractions, journaling and a creative use of elements.
At the end of the month I will select the best layout and I will send the winner a coupon code to my store.
Download this kit
Digitals gallery
Enjoy !!